Construction Of Supermarkets And Shopping Centres in Italy

  • Edilnoleggio S.r.l.

    Address: 16 STRADA DELL' ALPO, 37136 VERONA (VERONA) Italy VAT No. IT03268940230
    Phone Number: +39 045 506 065

  • Habitat S.r.l.

    Address: VIA BALEGNO 1, 10040 Rivalta (TORINO) Italy VAT No. IT10615630018
    Phone Number: +39 0119 091 572

  • Cobimm Costruzione Barozzi Immobiliare

    Address: Via M.Te Pollino, 9, 70022 Altamura (BA) Italy VAT No. IT06491980725
    Phone Number: +39 0803 116 602