Benedetti Fabio

Benedetti Fabio is located in 90 VIA DI S. ANGELA MERICI 00162 ROMA, 00162 Roma (ROMA) Italy VAT No. IT07341141005, in Italy and the main services are Environment Services, Recycling And Recovery Miscellaneous Materials, Environmental Clean Up Services.

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Environment Services

Recycling And Recovery Miscellaneous Materials

Environmental Clean Up Services

Benedetti Fabio Location

Address: 90 VIA DI S. ANGELA MERICI 00162 ROMA, 00162 Roma (ROMA) Italy VAT No. IT07341141005
Phone Numbers: +39 0686 398 202
Country: Italy
Lattitude: 1000
Longitude: 1000
Google Map: 1000,1000

Benedetti Fabio Profile

Total Staff and Workers : 11

Sales Turnover : 999 K

Benedetti Fabio Google Map

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Benedetti Fabio listed under:

Environment Services in Italy

Recycling And Recovery Miscellaneous Materials in Italy

Environmental Clean Up Services in Italy